This Place

Talking about the places we call home

A map marker reading "This Place" pointing at a squiggle suggesting a landscape or a sound wave

Each week on This Place, we talk with Oregonians about the places that matter to them—where they live, work, and find joy. What is it like to be where you are? What do you wish other people understood about your place?

We will publish new episodes of This Place weekly throughout 2025. You can find This Place on community radio stations around the state, on all major podcast networks, and on this page using the player below.




Where We've Been

We want to to hear about your place. To nominate yourself or someone you know for a This Place interview, email

This Place is produced by Oregon Humanities and edited by Jon Richardson. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or Oregon Humanities.


Belonging, Land, Place, Work, This Place


Other Episodes