The theme of this issue feels inevitable. Many of the abiding questions of our moment relate to some form of shelter, be it housing, citizenship, personal safety, or even shade. It seems everyone has an opinion on who deserves shelter, and what kind, and where, and how it should be paid for.
Much of the work of Oregon Humanities is bringing complexity to tense political questions by creating spaces for Oregonians to share their perspectives. You’ll find many perspectives on shelter in this issue, and many more in Housing and Belonging, a series of in-person and virtual conversations we’re presenting with partners around the state this summer and fall.
I’d especially like to call your attention to “Refugio/Refuge” and “At the End of the Tunnel," two stories contributed by Community Storytelling Fellows. This year, we awarded fellowships to eight Oregon storytellers to support them in sharing stories from communities they belong to. Two of these stories appear in each issue of the magazine, and you can find several more at the Community Storytelling Fellowship page.
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